Alright. I have spent the last few hours connecting myself to the virtual world that exists at the tip of my fingers.
After attending the ASID Spring Conference in Myrtle Beach – Ron McDaniel (BUZZOODLE.COM) convinced me that my Myspace, and Facebook were not enough. . . I needed to Youtube, be a LinkedIn blogger and Twitter my life away.
I have uploaded, posted, reposted – sent requests, answered back, wrote on the walls and now finally, have decided that all of this could be a full time job. . . I already have the perfect office picked out on a beach of Bora Bora.
As if there are not enough usernames, passwords, secret codes and email accounts to check – I am seriously putting my memory to the test. . . I should have paid more attention to the memory game in kindergarten instead of eating paste and sticking pom poms in my ears.
So, here I am . . . plugged in, charged up and ready to go!