See this dress and Nhi Tran’s full winning Goodwill Rock the Runway 2014 collection here.
I was recently reading this post : Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for ‘irreversible collapse’? and the follow up: Did Nasa fund ‘civilisation collapse’ study, or not? on how our civilization, regardless of what nationality you are is on the verge of collapse. Sensationalist? Maybe, maybe not. What does this have to do with Goodwill Rock the Runway? Well . . .
Really radical responsible living habits is what helped my father and his family survive the Great Depression. These responsible living habits, thankfully, have stuck with me. You see, my whole life I have been taught not to waste, to grow my food or buy from local farmers when possible, to mend my clothes, to make and share handmade gifts and to donate to Goodwill [Donation Locations] rather than put reusable items to the curb.
![So grateful to have met local bloggers [L to R Demetrice Smith, Jen Van Eerden Schmidt, Me, Jennifer Alsina Busfield] It made #GoodwillRTR 2014 SO much fun!](http://daniellehatfield.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/GoodwillRTR-Bloggers.jpg)
So grateful to have met local bloggers [L to R Demetrice Smith, Jen Van Eerden Schmidt, Me, Jennifer Alsina Busfield] It made #GoodwillRTR 2014 SO much fun!
Since the financial catastrophe of 2008, [Read: The origins of the financial crisis – The Economist] that brought on the worst recession in 80 years, many habits have changed . . . and if you ask me, it’s for the better. Local farmers markets are more plentiful, “buy local” movements have continue to save many small business owners from closing their doors and more people are donating to and shopping at Goodwill.
My husband can attest that Goodwill continues to be a favorite haunt of mine. Books and furniture rescue continue to be my main weakness – but thanks to Triad Goodwill Rock the Runway 2014 I am dusting off my sewing machine and now looking at the clothing and fabric in a different way. (Thanks Laura Schaefer for the opportunity to attend – mad props to you and your team on such a great job!)
2014 Goodwill Rock the Runway winner Nhi Tran really won me over with this dress made with ties. Seriously. Isn’t that fantastic?! I will never be able to walk by the tie rack and not think of her creativity and ability to see the potential in something that most folks overlook.
I am still SO inspired! Inspired enough to have made this skirt.
Now, I haven’t sewn anything from scratch but curtains and upholstery for my DIY projects in years and I felt that I couldn’t really speak on Rock The Runway until I took responsible refashioning to heart and made something myself.
Earlier this year we lost power thanks to an ice storm. During that time I took fabric a family member gifted as well as a sheer curtain and sheet to make this skirt (see above). It was all hand sewn and I have never been prouder.
Whether you sew your own, modify or wear as is – Triad Goodwill Rock the Runway showed me the beauty in responsible refashioning. I have since bought 3 patterns and happily plan on sewing my summer away.
If you are a refashionista I encourage you to submit your application to the 2015 #GoodwillRTR. Application Deadline is, 11:59 pm on Friday, May 30, 2014.
RT @TriadGoodwill: Calling all fashion designers! Apply now for our 2015 #GoodwillRTR! http://t.co/WlNIQCxAZc http://t.co/Ndc4BotMrc
— danielle hatfield (@dhatfield) May 3, 2014