Recently, my husband and I were talking about our goals for the year and looking at where we are with our progress and discussing things we needed to change.
Something that he said resonated with me. . .
“I want you to focus on your glow goals”
“Glow goals?” I asked. “Yes” he said, “I want you to focus on the things that make you glow. Like when you try a new recipe, go treasure hunting for a DIY project or simply take time to read a book or go for a walk.”
This was the most touching thing I had heard.
He went on explain that he noticed I was more focused at work, happier and more rested when I allowed my self time to enjoy the little things that brought me joy.
This got me thinking. . . I can’t possibly be the only one to forget to make timeĀ for myself each day and the things that bring me true joy.
I was once advised that I should schedule time each week just for me. That my time to rest, reflect and grow should be a priority if I wanted to accomplish the rest of my goals and lead a healthy life. Great advice that I often ignore.
So, inspired by my husband’s insight, I’ve decided that I will make time to write down the things that bring me joy. Each week I will look over this growing list and see what I actually made time for. This ritual, I hope, will help me devote more time for me to glow.
Are you making time for your glow goals?