I chuckle a bit when people say “Social Media is useless”. It reminds me of years ago, when someone told me that I was “just playing” when it came to social media and that there was NO WAY it would ever be useful to businesses.
Often the quip of “Social Media/Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn/insert social network here is useless” comes from those who have not taken the time to fully investigate the benefits for their brand or business, those who don’t like change and bristle at the thought of learning how to use anything to do with new technology (“isn’t it enough that I know how to send an email?” is a popular refrain) and then there are those who simply don’t care. If you are one of these types (or know someone who is) then listen up. . .
Anything, like a can opener for example, can be useless until there is no power and a person is hungry enough to open the can with it.
That “useless” tool becomes pretty damn important then doesn’t it?
Now, I’m not saying that you have to dive into every new social media network and post ad nauseam every hour of the day, but you DO need to pay attention to where your customers are, and guess what? They are online.
90.1 % of the North American population is online.
It’s important to consider the opportunity that comes with building a positive brand experience with a new (or existing) generation of customers and most importantly were you get the most bang for your buck. And NO those expensive yellow page ads don’t do jack $%#* when the telephone books are taken, by the vast majority of households, straight to the recycle bin.
Customers are mobile and looking to show loyalty to whom ever is genuinely listening and engaging with them. As Christine Dugas of USA Today points out Small businesses get personal with social media and it’s no secret that :
‘Small businesses are using technology to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively in a competitive world.’
If your customers are online and reaching out to your brand via a social network, it’s up to you to listen and engage. . . if not, your competition will.
Brand loyalty IS stronger among social media users. Period.
If you don’t have a big budget to pay someone to teach you how to use these tools, there are plenty of FREE SOCIAL MEDIA RESOURCES out there, you just have to make the time to learn and understand you are investing in your own success.
Do you think social media is useless? Why?
Were you a reluctant social media convert? What changed your mind?
How have you integrated social media into your business communication flow?