A stack of coupons arrives in the mailbox at least once a week. . . most for businesses I never patron.
I rarely even take notice of anything sent in a pile like this and only thumb through to see if any “real mail” got swallowed up by this monstrosity. (learn how to deal with junk mail here)
These advertisers have mere seconds to get attention . . . from the time that it takes me to walk from the mail box to the recycle bin. That’s it.
That is why Dunkin’ Donuts new mailer is so impressive. (@DunkinDonuts on twitter)
It looks *nothing* like the regurgitated designs with 6pt fonts and screaming colors that signal junk mail.
I have a feeling that Dunkin’ Dounuts founder Bill Rosenberg would be pleased.

Check out the DDSMART menu for healthy choices

Check out the latest Contests & Promotions to win coffee for a whole year with DD Perks :: if you love iced coffee, you can become the yeDDi of the week on their Facebook Fanpage
or if you served our country in the military – Dunkin’ Donuts wants to honor you with their Veterans Advantage card.

So when you check your mail today – take a few extra seconds to find the big cup of coffee from the folks at Dunkin’.