I received my second issue of my new subscription to Better Homes and Gardens yesterday and as I sat down this morning to explore and be inspired, I was struck by the mantra “Refresh & Renew”.
It seemed timely and relevant for me – not only for my future home projects that the writers, photographers, producers & stylists have inspired – but also because of the focus of my last few presentations on personal professional branding as well as blog posts on some do’s & don’ts.
Is it possible to inspire people to refresh & renew their brand the same way BHG inspires me to refresh & renew my home?
That is a challenge I’d like to take up. I want to share those personal professional brands that inspire me, and make me want to sit down at my kitchen table and sketch out what I want my personal professional brand to be.
Who inspires you?
Have you started to refresh & renew your personal brand?